Friday, November 22, 2013

Kennedy and Lincoln

Due to their mutual tragedy and funny coincidences, Kennedy and Lincoln will forever be linked in the minds of conspiracy theorists everywhere. This week however, they are linked for another reason. November 18th was the 150th anniversary of President Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg address, and today November 22 is the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy's death.

Both of these events have hit very close to home and caused me a lot of personal reflection on our country the past week. These two men gave so much for our country, especially in the quest for equality. It is amazing to look at how far our country has come since Mr. Kennedy dedicated himself to aiding the Freedom Riders and creating the Civil Rights act, and even further since Mr. Lincoln delivered his famous Gettysburg Address in 1863.

I have always loved the Kennedys and their story. JFK has one of the most amazing stories of perseverance and determination. If you have never read a biography about him, go to the nearest bookstore and buy one now. I guarantee you will never look at him the same way.

His death brought our country together in mourning regardless of party affiliations. It makes you wonder, would the same thing happen today? All of the conflict between parties makes us forget that we are all Americans, and we are all on the same side.

When I was in high school I took a trip to Dallas, TX and was lucky to get to see the Kennedy memorial and museum located in the Textbook Depository where Lee Harvey Oswald was located when he shot Kennedy. It was a wonderful experience if anyone ever finds themselves in Dallas.

And to think, this used to just be a regular road. 

The Gettysburg Address anniversary hit a little bit closer to home, literally. I'm currently living in Gettysburg. When I first got to college the first thing I saw was a copy of the Gettysburg Address left on my desk. Since then, the history of the battle and the legacy of our town has followed me. 

I have heard the Gettysburg Address delivered so many times over the last few years I basically have it memorized, but that does not stopping it from giving me chills every time. It is honestly one of the most beautifully eloquent speeches ever given. At only 272 words and less than 3 minutes in length, the power of this speech is a marvel. If you haven't read it since high school take a few minutes to read it, or watch the last 10 minutes of this PBS special. Listening to how these historians revere his words is very moving. The Gettysburg Address is truly poetry in prose. 

There are very few places on this Earth more beautiful or historical than Gettysburg, PA

This is the type of history the needs to be remembered and revered for generations to come. It is important because these events from our past define our future. "The government of the people, by the people and for the people, shall not perish from this Earth."


  1. I love this because the people we have lost deserved to be honored. Great post!

    1. Thanks, I completely agree, its important to remember those who gave their lived for our country.


  2. I love historic visits like this, loved the post!

    1. Thanks! If you've never been to either Dallas or Gettysburg, I definitely recommend both!

  3. I've visited Gettysburg before and it is beautiful. Definitely a wonderful place to reflect on our history.
