Saturday, January 05, 2013


I have never really been one for New Year's Resolutions, I'm awful at keeping them and I feel like usually they're things people do not take seriously. This year however, I have a real one that I really want to keep. I want to keep up with and grow this blog. I have really put a lot of thought into this and came up with 5 ways to actually keep this resolution. I hope these steps can help other people too. 

1. Set manageable goals | Don't choose something that you absolutely cannot achieve. You'll just set yourself up for failure and feel miserable when the inevitable happens. Start slow and build up to bigger things. I want to start by posting on this blog 2-3 times a week. I know there will be times when that will seem like a lot and other times where I will post everyday. The important part is that I don't feel pressured to post all the time. I think blogs are more about quality over quantity.

2. Get Organized | Before you start your new resolution get organized, get a plan in order. Want to get in shape? Get a gym membership and figure out when you can fit a workout into your schedule. You need to know how you're going to succeed. I have been reading a bunch of blogs, getting ideas and trying to narrow down what I want to write about.

3. Plan Ahead | This one is kind of tied in with number two. Plan ahead speaks for its self, don't let your resolution overwhelm you. I'm going to keep a list of blog posts that I want to write, that way whenever I think of something I can write it down until I have time to really use it. I cannot tell you how many times I have a great idea and then forget it before I have to write about it! I also want to write blog posts in advance and have them set up to post automatically, so my posts are more consistent for my readers even if my schedule gets crazy.

4. Forgive Yourself | You will make mistakes! Accept it and forgive yourself. Even if you fall off the resolution wagon don't give up. Get back on track and try twice as hard. Even if you fail a million times at least you're further along than if you never tried at all.

5. Treat Yo'self! | Parks and Rec anyone? Every time you reach a goal or milestone reward yourself. It doesn't matter how, just do something just for you. Indulge a little you deserve it. I think most people forget to celebrate their accomplishments especially the little ones. If you just move on to the next goal and never celebrate what you have achieved what's the point?

What are your resolutions this year? How do you stick to them?

1 comment:

  1. Your goals sound great :) I love number3! I'm trying to work on that too (and to no procrastinate!)
