Friday, November 01, 2013

Under the Weather

So I have been fighting a cold all week, and I think it has finally caught up to me. My throat hurts and I feel exhausted and achy.

Also, I just had a crumby day in general. It was pouring as I walked to my car this morning (about 10 mins across campus). My rain jacket didn't really help much, I was soaked through. It gets worse, I get into my car and when I go to turn on my wipers I realize its no longer raining!

So, I'm tired and wet and sick all day. When the last bell rings I'm just ready to get out of there and I realize I have a parent-teacher conference I have to go to. It lasts literally an hour and a half! So, as soon as I get home I have to go straight to my next meeting. I didn't have time for the nap I'd been dreaming about all day, I didn't even have time to change out of my teacher clothes.

After I got back from dinner, there was no way I was doing anything social. So, I'm spending my night grading papers in bed and drinking plenty of tea. I'm crossing my fingers that if I just relax tonight and get plenty of sleep it will not develop into a full blown knock me on my butt cold/flu.

Every time I get sick at college, I always just want to be home. There are so many sick day things that just never work out at college. So, tonight I'll be wishing I could have some of these wonderful home remedies.

 First tea with honey to make my sore throat feel better. I know you're supposed to add lemon too, but I don't think it tastes good and when I'm sick, I'm not eating or drinking anything I don't like, no way!

Next up, homemade chicken noodle soup. Sure the canned stuff is good, but nothing beats homemade.

You can find the recipe for this soup here, obviously this strategy works best if you have someone who loves you enough to make homemade soup...or at least will splurge the extra dollar for the can with big noodles and real carrots. 

Step three, a hot bath. I don't know about anyone else but I never really have a desire to take a bath until I'm sick. There is something about a nice hot back that makes all the aches go away and the steam clears out your sinuses and you finally feel normal again (at least until you get out of the bath). 

These homemade bath bombs look amazing! You can add essential oils like eucalyptus or camomile to make you feel better, plus that fizzy feeling is just wonderful. Its like making your bath do double duty. I definitely need to make a big batch to keep on hand in my bathroom. 

Finally, someone to cuddle. 

Preferably my little Bella. She's the perfect cuddle companion because she loves to get right under the covers and be as close to you as possible. I feel like just that would be enough to make even the sickest patient better. 

Hopefully, by tomorrow morning I'll be feeling better. I feel like the biggest part of the problem is going all week without enough sleep. 

What remedies do you swear by?


  1. I hope you are feeling better! I love the remedies you use!


    1. Thanks! Feeling a little better today.


  2. Feel better sweetie, I drink honey lemon tea and have congee. Best thing to do is to go to a sauna and let your body sweat out all the toxins. Would you like to follow each other on gfc, bloglovin?


    1. Thanks, I just followed you, your blog is great!

  3. Thanks for sharing that soup recipe, I love making home made soup, especially in the crock pot! And I totally agree, dogs are the best cuddle companions when you're sick!
